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2023 BTI Client Service All-Star

Innovate with Confidence: Strategic Counsel for Protecting Your Ideas

Why You Need an Invention Patent Attorney

Imagine you’ve designed a groundbreaking medical device, or perhaps you’ve engineered a new mobility vehicle. Maybe your focus is on military equipment, electrical connectors, or you’re revolutionizing the construction industry with equipment that enhances safety and efficiency. In any case, protecting your intellectual property is crucial to maintaining a competitive edge and ensuring that your innovation remains solely yours to commercialize.

Navigating the intricate world of intellectual property can be as complex as the innovations themselves. Whether you’re a lone inventor, a start-up, or an established enterprise, having the right legal representation is not just an option—it’s an essential. That’s where an invention patent attorney steps in.

An invention patent attorney is your frontline defender and guide through the legalities of protecting your intellectual property.

Here’s why you might need one:

  • To Navigate Patent Prosecution: Filing for utility and design patent applications is a nuanced process that requires meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of patent law.
  • For Legal Opinions: Before you invest time and resources, you’ll need a clear opinion on patentability and non-infringement to ensure your innovation stands on solid ground.
  • During Transactions: Whether you’re licensing, buying, or selling IP rights, you need watertight agreements to safeguard your interests.
  • For Due Diligence: When you’re acquiring a company or assets, understanding the IP portfolio’s strengths and weaknesses is essential.
  • For IP Portfolio Management: Keeping track of multiple patents, renewals, and potential infringements requires a strategic approach and diligent oversight.
  • Trademark Prosecution: Protecting your brand is as vital as protecting your inventions, especially when your reputation becomes synonymous with innovation.

Areas of Practice

Our expertise spans across a spectrum of industries, ensuring tailored, industry-specific guidance for invention patents in:

  • Medical Device
  • Wheelchairs/Mobility Vehicles
  • Military Equipment
  • Electrical Connectors
  • Construction Equipment

Why Choose The Law Office of Mario Milano?

Operating primarily in PA and NJ, we take on invention patent cases nationwide, offering a distinct blend of professional expertise and personal experience. Here’s why our patent law firm is your best choice:

  • Cost-Effective Solutions: By transitioning from a big law firm to a solo practice, Mario provides the same high-quality service at a more affordable price point.
  • Individualized Attention: Each client benefits from direct contact with Mario himself—there’s no passing of critical work to inexperienced associates.
  • Industry Insight: With seven years as a mason before entering the legal field, Mario brings firsthand knowledge of construction equipment, offering unique insights into identifying patentable features.
  • Startup Growth to Acquisition: Mario has a track record of helping startups secure their initial patents, expand their portfolio, and navigate the sale of their companies.
  • Decade of Dedication: With ten years in the practice, Mario has honed his expertise in patent law to the benefit of his clients.
  • Free Consultations: Understanding your needs and challenges is a crucial first step, which is why initial consultations come at no cost.
  • Global Portfolio Management: Clients get the convenience of a single point of contact for managing their worldwide patent portfolio.
  • Efficient Prosecution: Avoiding unnecessary extensions during the patent process saves you time and money, ensuring a more streamlined journey to a patent grant.

Here's What You Might be Wondering About Invention Patents

What Is the Benefit of Having a Patent Attorney with Industry Experience?

Having a patent attorney with industry experience, like Mario Milano, offers significant advantages. Such an attorney can swiftly recognize the intricacies of your invention, which ensures that your patent applications are both robust and comprehensive. Their familiarity with industry-specific technologies and terminology enables them to craft detailed and accurate descriptions that meet all legal requirements. This expertise helps in anticipating potential objections from the patent office, making the prosecution process smoother and more efficient. Additionally, an attorney with industry experience can provide valuable insights into the competitive landscape, helping you develop a strong patent strategy that protects your intellectual property effectively.

How Long Does the Patent Prosecution Process Take?

The duration of the patent prosecution process varies depending on several factors, including the complexity of the invention and the backlog at the patent office. Generally, it can take anywhere from one to three years. However, we are committed to streamlining this process to avoid costly extensions and delays. By meticulously preparing and filing comprehensive patent applications and promptly responding to any office actions, we work to expedite the examination process. Our proactive approach and industry expertise help in identifying and addressing potential issues early on, ensuring a more efficient path to obtaining your patent.

How Can I Determine If My Invention Is Patentable?

To determine if your invention is patentable, consider three main criteria: novelty, non-obviousness, and utility. Novelty means your invention must be new and not disclosed in any prior art, including patents and publications. Non-obviousness means it should not be an obvious improvement or modification of an existing invention to someone skilled in the field. Utility requires that your invention must be useful and functional. Conduct a thorough patent search and consult with a patent attorney to assess the patentability of your invention accurately.

Can I License My Invention While My Patent Application Is Pending?

Yes, you can license your invention while your patent application is pending. This is known as a “patent pending” status. Licensing agreements can be made with interested parties to use, manufacture, or sell your invention in exchange for royalties or other compensation. Ensure that your licensing agreement is clear and detailed to protect your rights. It’s advisable to work with a patent attorney to draft and review the licensing agreement to avoid any potential legal issues.

What Are the Different Types of Patents Available for Inventors?

There are three main types of patents available for inventors:

  • Utility Patents: These are granted for new and useful processes, machines, articles of manufacture, or compositions of matter.
  • Design Patents: These protect the ornamental design of an article of manufacture, focusing on the visual aspects.
  • Plant Patents: These are granted for new and distinct, invented or discovered asexually reproduced plants. Each type of patent serves a specific purpose and provides different levels of protection. Consult with a patent attorney to determine which type is appropriate for your invention.
How Can I Ensure My Patent Remains Valid and Enforceable Over Time?

To ensure your patent remains valid and enforceable, you must regularly pay the required maintenance fees to the USPTO. Actively monitoring the market for potential infringements is crucial, as it allows you to take timely legal action against any violators to protect your patent rights. Keeping thorough documentation of your invention and any modifications or improvements is also essential. Additionally, it is beneficial to consult with a patent attorney regularly to stay informed about any legal changes or necessary actions to uphold your patent’s validity. By diligently managing these aspects, you can maintain the strength and enforceability of your patent over time.

Can Mario Milano Handle International Patent Matters?

Absolutely. Mario can manage your patent applications not just in the United States but across the globe. He provides a singular, reliable point of contact for your entire patent portfolio, ensuring consistency and coordination in your international patent strategy. Mario is well-versed in the patent laws of various countries and can navigate the complexities of different legal systems to secure protection for your inventions worldwide. His expertise in international patent matters helps streamline the process, reduce administrative burdens, and enhance the overall effectiveness of your intellectual property protection strategy.

The Difference is Clear

Choosing The Law Office of Mario T Milano LLC means opting for a partnership that values your innovation as much as you do. It means choosing a path to patent protection that is as innovative as the technology you’ve created. Let’s discuss how your intellectual property can be safeguarded and leveraged to its fullest potential.

For a conversation that could define the future of your innovation, Contact us for invention patent attorney services.

Converse with a Specialist, Not a Salesperson

At The Law Office of Mario Milano, you won’t just find an intellectual property lawyer; you’ll be adding a partner who prizes attentive listening over speaking, ensuring that every nuance of your vision is understood and valued. Here, whether you’re the driving force behind a one-person startup or at the helm of a burgeoning enterprise, you will benefit from bespoke strategies and unwavering protection that your intellectual property warrants. With us, it’s never a one-size-fits-all approach; it’s a tailored experience, honing in on your specific industry challenges and opportunities. Your innovative ideas and creations are the lifeblood of your success, and at our firm, they receive the meticulous attention and robust defense they rightly deserve.